Yay! First news post! My older account was HourglassStudios, and I just started a new account because I got so tired of everybody calling me by that handle. "HourglassStudios". It was like I, the individual, was hiding behind a company name...a company with only 1 worker, too. Don't get me wrong, though, I still AM representing HGS, and I'll show the logo before all my flashes start up, and everything...
By the way, guys, you HAVE to see Wall-e. If you are a flash artist, this goes double for you. Best recent pixar movie EVER, in my honest opinion. I spent nearly the entire time analyzing it as I watched, and I couldn't find a single area where they faulted. Not one. Everything from the voice acting to the character design to the concept to the camera angles was amazing. By the end of the movie, I had no remaining questions. Everything was answered, and everything made sense. Oh, and also, the "bad guy" of the movie really reminded me of a mix between GlaDos (from Portal), and anybody from the Clock Crew, so that was kinda cool.
And in flash news...PANIC!!! I've been in the process of making a flash for my new series, Nowheresville, but disaster has struck. I'm pretty sure that I've lost all of the voice acting for scene 1 (which would last about 20-40 seconds), and all the rest of the voice acting is scattered around on my computer! I had it arranged and everything, but now I'd have to piece it all together, and I'm kinda burnt out on it, to be honest. Not only that, but I originally recorded the voices in such a stupid (yet effective) way that it takes forever to put it in.
It's not ALL bad though. I'm thinking about releasing a test flash with a new character I've made that I really, really like. I've got the drawing with me, but I can't scan it on at the moment. All I can tell you is that the character's name will probably be Val, and there's going to be a lot of action.
That's all for now. RedTsunami, signing off!
OMG ur gonna make Val into a character!?!? That's AWESOME!!!! "It was only once!"
BTW this is Brandon.